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Junior Cycle English

  • New features of this specification include learning outcomes across three strands, oral language, reading and writing.

  • Learning about language in texts, including digital texts, is important to social development and as part of this process students develop the competence and confidence needed to meet the demands of school, employment, further education and life. Knowledge and command of language are also essential to their contributions to political, social and cultural life and as thoughtful and active citizens.

  • There is a new focus given to oral communication which aims to promote greater engagement and thinking in the classroom and beyond. There will also be a new assessment in oral language as well as of students’ collections of written school work.


Junior Certificate English comprises of two Classroom Based Assessments and one final examination, assessed at Ordinary and History level.

Senior Cycle English​

  • Leaving Certificate English invites students into rich experiences with language so that they become fluent and thoughtful users of language and more aware of its significance in their lives.

  • It develops a range of literacy and oral skills in a variety of areas, personal, social, and cultural. Students develop a wide range of skills and concepts. These will allow them to interpret and enjoy a range of material so that they become independent learners who can operate independently in the world beyond the school.​​

Leaving Certificate English is assessed at two levels, Ordinary and Higher level. 

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