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Junior Cycle History

  • The specification for Junior Cycle History provides a framework for students to acquire the historical skills, conceptual understanding and substantive knowledge that lead to a sense of historical consciousness, whereby students can see the world and their place in it from a historical perspective. 

  • When we learn about the past, it is important also that we understand the nature of history as a discipline that allows us to make sense of what has happened in our world over time. 

  • This involves understanding such concepts as:

    • continuity and change

    • how evidence allows us to make judgements about the past

    • awareness of the usefulness and limitations of different forms of evidence and the importance of being objective when investigating the actions of people in the past, and taking care not to let opinions or prejudices affect our judgements


The assessment of History will comprise two Classroom-Based Assessments and one final examination paper at a common level.


Senior Cycle History

  • Leaving Certificate history deals with the experience of human life in the past. The study of history involves an investigation of the surviving evidence relating to such experience.

  • It brings students into contact with human experiences that are often very different from their own and fosters their developing understanding of the human condition and human motivation.

  • Through its focus on the evaluation of evidence, it contributes significantly to the development of students’ skills of critical thinking.

  • Through its focus on research, it allows students the opportunity to develop their skills of independent learning.​

Leaving Certificate history is assessed at two levels, Ordinary level and Higher level. There are two assessment components: a research study report (submitted prior to the examination) and a written examination.

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